This in-office procedure, also known as “artificial insemination” involves placing “washed” sperm into the uterus, with a small catheter through the cervix.
Sperm can be from the husband, or frozen donor sperm, depending upon your situation and needs. The sperm is washed several times to remove substances that can cause cramping or shock. Once the sperm is washed, it can remain viable for 48 to 72 hours.
IUI is often performed if you have failed attempts at timed intercourse, or if there is a determination of abnormal cervical mucus / sperm interaction, slightly abnormal semen analysis, or hostile mucus, which renders the sperm inactive.
The sperm is injected past the cervical barrier, to enable them to then move into the fallopian tube, and reach the egg. Variations in the procedure include taking medications to produce multiple follicles, and the release of more than one egg in order to achieve fertilization, and administration of hCG to time ovulation.
Insemination may bring your potential to a 15% to 20% pregnancy rate / cycle. Usually, a patient will undergo three to six IUI cycles, before moving to a more aggressive procedure.
Chicago Infertility Associates today for a FREE consultation.
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